The Dynamometers/Tensionometers have proven to have limitless versatility as a tension and weight measuring instrument. It has been used for such diverse jobs as stringing utility line; mounting cables for bridges; adjusting tension on guy wires; field testing chain, rope, wire - anything requiring precise force or tension measurement.

EDjunior Dynamometer

EDXtreme Dynamometer

Remote Communicator II for the EDXtreme Dynamometer

AP Dynamometer

AP Mechanical Crane Scale

Dillon Quick-Check tension meter.

MSI Dyna-Clamp Tension Meter

Model X-ST with Tension Calibration

Model X-C with Compression Calibration

Model X-PP with Compression/Tension Calibration.

The Model U Force Gauge is an accurate (±1% of full range) mechanical compression measurement instrument.
EDJunior Dynamometer
Behind its simple design and easy operation, you will find the quality and performance not found elsewhere. With the EDjunior, it proves that the economy can go hand-in-hand with accuracy, long service life and, most importantly, worker safety – just compare the EDjunior to the competition. Nothing else comes close!
EDXtreme Dynamometer
The EDXtreme may be configured for something as simple as a digital hanging scale, it offers a higher level of intelligence. With user-defined functions and sophisticated communication options, the EDXtreme readily adapts to multi-tasking operations or multi-link systems capable of monitoring a series of critical stress points from a single location.
Remote Communicator II for the EDXtreme Dynamometer
The optional Communicator is an extremely powerful hand-held remote that can define the function and manage the operation of one or more EDXtreme dynamometers using wired or radio technologies. Through the programmable SOFTKEY interface, one or more Communicators can monitor multiple dynamometers within the same airspace. In multiple-link lifting arrays, the Communicator can display readings at any or all lift points and calculate the total load.
AP Dynamometer
Originally designed to measure the tension on telephone wires, the AP Dynamometer has proven to have limitless versatility as a tension and weight measuring instrument. It is used for such diverse jobs as suspended weighing, mounting cables for bridges, adjusting tension on guy wires, field testing chain and rope as well as wire. Basically anything requiring precision force or tension measurement
AP Mechanical Crane Scale
AP Mechanical Crane Scales are available in capacities from 500 to 20,000 lb and 500 to 10,000 kg. Every detail of their construction was chosen for long life. Uncomplicated operation includes tare function and maximum peak load indication.
Quick Balance Tension Meter
The Quick-Check tension meter is a premier product innovation in the cable tensioning industry. Its speed and accuracy are ideal for cable guardrails, guy wires, and overlead lines. It installs, measures, and removes in a matter of seconds. The digital load cell is rugged, highly repeatable, and accurate. When out in the field, the Quick-Check requires no correction tables saving time and money.
MSI Dyna-Clamp Tension Meter
The MSI Dyna-Clamp is the answer for wire rope tension measuring. Its durable, easy-to-use design saves time and money by eliminating the need to have multiple sheaves to accommodate different rope diameters. Easily measure wire ropes ranging from 3/16-in to 1-in diameters without changing or adjusting sheaves and bobbins. Up to eight wire rope calibrations are included at the time of purchase. Built-in, dual-line display for multiple readings. APPLICATIONS • Tower and stack guy wires • Pretensioned cable barriers • Bridges • Elevators • Winch ropes • Overhead electric transit wires • Fall arrest systems • Aircraft cables and utilities • Ziplines.
Model X-ST
The Model X-ST in seven capacities from 100 lb to 10,000 lb or 25 kg to 5,000 kg. Accuracy is ±1% of full range. (Note: For applications requiring capacities beyond 10,000 lb or 5,000 kg in tension, consider this dynamometer.)
Model X-C
Model X-C comes in nine capacities ranging from 50 lb to 25,000 lb or 50 to 10,000 kg. All feature accuracy of ±1% of full capacity, except the 25,000 (10,000 kg) capacity instruments which are accurate to ±2% of full capacity.
Model X-PP Gauges
Force gauges calibrated in push-pull are available in four capacities in pounds ranging from 50-0-50 lb up to and including 2,500-0-2,500 lb and three metric capacities from 50-0-50 to 1,000-0-1,000 kg. Accuracy is ±2% of maximum dial reading (based upon total capacity of both compression and tension scales).
Model U Force Gauges
The Model U Force Gauge is an accurate (±1% of full range) mechanical compression measurement instrument. Its slim-line design has repeatedly proven valuable in installations where space is at a premium.