Call today for professional calibration!
We represent the finest weighing equipment in the industry. Our products include everything from laboratory balances and counting scales to warehouse, truck, and railroad scales. Custom-designed systems, inventory control, crane, and batching...Scales are our expertise. Our specialists have years of experience and an impeccable reputation. The quality you expect at a reasonable price!
Our service technicians have been factory trained and understand the necessity for accurate and dependable weighing equipment. In this economy, accurate weight equals product control and minimized waste. Trust Lambert Brown Scales to help you maintain a positive return on your investment.
Maintaining your product after purchase is as
important as getting the right one. Our NIST traceable test weights are certified to the Oklahoma Bureau of Standards. Our laboratory's tests/ calibrations include on-site and in-house scale and load cell calibration per NIST Handbook 44, Handbook 112 & ASTM E4.
Preventative maintenance and calibration flat–rate pricing and contracts available on request.
At Lambert Brown, we maintain our own fleet of rental scales for your daily or inventory requirements. Our equipment is well maintained and includes inventory control, parts counting scales, large platform scales and crane scales up to 100,000 pounds. We also have SOLAS solutions for your shipping needs. We have what you need...
Call today!
Services We offer:
• A Full line of Commercial & Industrial Scales and Weighing Equipment
•Service and repair of almost all types of scales, load cells, and weighing systems
• Licensed through Oklahoma Weights & Measures Governing Body:
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry
• Factory Trained and State Licensed Technicians
• ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited Calibration Laboratory
• On-Site Calibration and Certification
• Preventative Maintenance
• Configure Weighing Systems
• Customized Weighing Systems
• Programming Digital Scale
• Our NIST traceable test weights are certified by the Oklahoma Bureau of Standards
• Emergency Services
Legal for Trade Requirements:
NTEP (National Type Evaluation Program) Approved Scales-Legal for Trade. NTEP Device Certificate of Conformance is required by law if any business or person generates commerce by weight scale/balance.
Legal for Trade Devise Calibration and “Placing in Service” Report by Licensed Devise Technician, also required by Law.
NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) Certified Scales. NSF certification is your key to ensuring that your products meet strict public health protection standards.
Point of Sale (POS) Single indicating and dual indicating solutions, by law, the scale indication must be placed in clear view of the consumer.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is responsible for setting the requirements for legal for trade scales based on many factors outlined in Handbook 44. Every state requires that commercial scales meet the minimum standards described in Handbook 44. All but four states in the US require legal for trade scales also to be NTEP certified. North Dakota, Rhode Island, Texas, and Vermont do not need legal for trade scales also to be NTEP certified.